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Folder timestamps and AR Invoice change

For Nexsyis version

Change for clients who invoice at "Repairs are Complete" date

This change is for clients who invoice using the "Repairs are Complete" date. Clients who invoice at "Vehicle Delivered" will not be affected.

For clients who post sales using the "Repairs are Complete" date, we have implemented a new update that will automatically invoice the estimate(s) and prompt for printing final paperwork when the Folder is marked as complete. Marking the Vehicle Delivered will only record the Delivered date without any additional actions.

Below is a short video showing the change:

Complete and Delivered Timestamps removed from Folder Summary tab

The timestamp next to the Completed and Delivered dates has been removed. Since this timestamp could be inaccurate if any changes were made to these dates, you can refer to the Audit Log for accurate information if necessary.

Please e-mail Nexsyis support if you have any questions.


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