New on NexsyisNow: Priority #, Delete Folder, Transfer Folder, and Change Folder #
Priority #
The Priority # has been added as a field to Presentation Mode
Update the Priority # from the Repair tab of the Folder
Delete a Folder
From within the Folder, use the Quick-Actions menu and select "Delete Folder".
Transfer Folder to a new Location
On the Repair tab, click the Edit button to transfer the Folder to another location
Change Folder #
For Nexsyis customers on Folder # manual mode (primarily dealerships), click the edit button next to the Folder # shown at the top of the Folder
In case you missed it...
Launching NexsyisNow from Apple Devices
Reminder: because of a bug in Apple's recent release that affects photo capture when the app is pinned to your home screen, it is recommended that iPhone and iPad users remove your home screen shortcut and instead add NexsyisNow as a "Favorit" in Safari, following the instructions below
1. Open Safari and go to
2. Click the box with the up arrow at the bottom
3. Select "Add to Favorites"
4. Enter a name and click "Save"
5. The next time you open Safari and launch a new tab, you will see a shortcut to the NexsyisNow website in your favorites list