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Nexsyis Collision Launches Cloud-Based Management System

Nexsyis Collision Repair Management announced this week that it has released a cloud-based shop management platform, aimed at serving both existing clients and individual shops and small MSOs.

Indianapolis–based Nexsyis Collision Inc. provides collision repair process management software and consulting for collision repair organizations nationwide.

The new platform of NexConnex offers more customization features and a streamlined user-interface, which is aimed at reducing training for using the product.

“The central features of the product have always been the integration of management and financial processes, and the reduction of unnecessary administrative tasks,” said Dave Braun, Nexsyis president. “These are tools every business --large or small-- needs to be successful. We are excited to offer Nexsyis accessibility to the many smaller business owners who have been asking for it.”

About Nexsyis Collision

Nexsyis Collision, Inc. is headquartered in Indianapolis, IN. and provides collision repair process management software, IT services, and consulting for collision repair organizations in the United States and Canada. Software features include customer relationship management, scheduling, purchasing, labor tracking, production management, financials, and reporting. To learn more about Nexsyis go to

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